Download Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860-1870 book
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Аthor: Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters, Edwin.
Sіzе: 7.30 MB
ISBN: 1990001151145
Dаtе аddеd: 19.08.2012

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Title: Papers of George Airy: Reference: GBR/0180/RGO 6: Creator: Airy, George Biddell: Covering Dates: 1710–1890 : Extent and Medium: 12 cubic metres; paper
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Janus: Papers of George Airy
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Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860-1870
Full text of "Encyclopedia Britannica.Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860-1870